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Rather than force fit products from a single manufacturer to meet your requirements, Data ID Systems can unify best-of-class products from various manufacturers to deliver solutions that optimally match your needs and your budget.
Everyday you see bar codes in the world around you. You see them in supermarkets, on labels, greeting cards and consumable goods. By now you also realize that bar codes have replaced the traditional pricing of products.
Data ID Systems offers bar code system integration solutions that allow for the sophisticated management of almost anything without the traditional man hours usually needed to gather this information. Bar codes, however, are only the beginning of what we at Data ID Systems provide to our customers.
We offer all types of products and services that allow the bar code to automate any business environment whether you are a manufacturer, corporate business, a dairy farmer, a resort complex or a small business. Using our products such as wedge readers, hand-held computers, touch memory readers, scanners, optical character recognition readers, label printers and more, Data ID Systems teaches you how to gather data and manage it using a variety of software that works easily in both a DOS or Windows environment.
What does this mean?
It means the bar code is more than a price look-up and here's why:
Bar codes can be used in every business around the world. For example:
Any individual can use a bar code and a scanning device to gather information, sort it and later upload the data to a computer so that a report can be printed quickly, easily identifying who did what, when and where it took place.
No other simple, easy to use product can control your workplace the way the bar code can!
Bar codes also look different now. Besides the lineal bar code, today's new bar codes are two dimensional, electronic or small computer chips which sort data in inconspicuous places like a credit card.
If you need to gather and manage information, people or assets, a bar code is the number one method to do so and Data ID Systems is the place to get your solution quickly and easily. We are a multi-faceted auto identification systems integration solutions company using the simple bar code to decrease labor challenges and save you money.
Support & Partners
With every product comes a team of well-trained Data ID Systems' and business partner technicians ready to integrate our equipment into our customer's operations. We also offer follow-up service plans to ensure mission-critical business processes stay on track.
Few other distributors have the ability to provide as complete a solution for their customers as Data ID Systems. We provide a wide selection of products for a complete solution to your auto identification and point of sale applications. Call us today for information or email us through this site.
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