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What's a Bar Code?
In today's business environment, staying competitive is critical to your success. Bar code data-collection technology is an effective way to improve the bottom line and meet the competitive challenges your organization faces every day.
This special guide is designed to give you and your company information about bar code data-capture technology.
with data-collection technology, bar codes provide a rapid,
accurate, and efficient means to collect, process, transmit,
record, and manage data in a variety of industries. Retail,
package delivery, warehousing and distribution, manufacturing,
healthcare, and point-of-service applications can all benefit
from the use of bar codes.
Bar code is a fundamentally simple
technology. But like the chain - or the wheel - simplicity of
concept relies heavily on excellence of total execution. Data ID
takes full responsibility to provide you, our customer, with
every link in the chain.
Data ID supplies bar code printers, bar code readers, bar code labels, bar code networking devices and bar code data concentrators. All the hardware. And the labels. And the systems and software that tie everything together.
Conceptual innovation has kept Data ID on the leading edge of both bar code symbology and application. We have deliberately chosen to be an integrated supplier of total systems. We have deliberately chosen to provide the most effective and responsive service organization. And we deliberately position our company as the most willing and the most able to take total responsibility for the success of your bar code investment.
We are a growing, profitable, technically advanced, well managed company. We offer an extremely practical and highly beneficial technology. We have the answer.
We are the answer. DATA ID.
Whatever the application, whatever
the environment, Data ID puts all its efforts into making our
bar-code-based data-collection products perform in the real
world. Please call us today at 800-632-8243 for more information
as you plan your bar-code-based solution.