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The information in this Web site is provided to help you better understand the year 2000 (Y2K) compliance status of the products offered by Caere. Caere has undertaken and completed a review of its software products to help ensure that your investment in our software products continues to give you value to the Y2K and beyond.
Caere's currently supported software
products are Y2K compliant. A list of Caere's currently supported
products can be found by following this link. Caere is constantly updating and upgrading its
products in order to provide customers with the best possible
solutions to their scanning and document management needs. As a
result, Caere reserves the right to modify the list of supported products without notice to you.
Please note that Caere cannot review and test discontinued products or all the prior versions of Caere products. If you have a prior version of a continued Caere product and Y2K compliance is critical to you, we strongly encourage you to upgrade to the current version. For upgrade information in the United States, please contact Data ID Systems at 1-408-354-7733.
Furthermore, because Caere does not control other companies' hardware or software products, Caere cannot promise that any other companies' products used with Caere's software products will be Y2K compliant. Nor can Caere represent that any modifications to its software products made by a party other than Caere will be Y2K compliant. In addition, although Caere has evaluated its own software products, Caere does not certify that its software products will not be adversely affected when used with other companies' products that are not Y2K compliant.
This statement does not constitute a warranty or extend the terms of any existing warranty. The warranties provided for Caere products are set forth in the end user agreement accompanying the products or the terms of the license agreement under which you make use of a Caere product. The information in this statement of compliance is provided for the sole purpose of assisting you in planning for the transition to the year 2000.
Statements contained herein are Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure Statements under the Year 2000 Information and Readiness Disclosure Act.