Before choosing a system your
business will rely on, find out how you will be treated when you
need help!
- At Data ID, we actually answer the
phone when it rings!
Over 99% of callers speak
immediately with a live Technical Support Specialist! Not
with a receptionist and not to a recording on a message
- 98% of all support
issues are closed on the same day. Most are resolved
within 5 minutes!
- Data ID understands that when you need
help, you need it right away! Who has time to wait 4 to 8
hours for a callback as promised by many other companies?
- Data ID does not use support scripts.
Our customer service personnel know our products inside
and out, and can help you with your unique problems.
- Test Us. Don't
just take our word for it! Pick up the phone and call us. (800)
632-8243. We are confident you'll find Data ID
Technical Support Services are clearly a step above all
- We are not just making this stuff up!
The above statistics are real. These numbers are the
result of analyzing calls over a one year period. Data ID
employees have been with the company an average of over 5
years! They live and breathe Data ID Systems, and that
enables us to run at this efficiency level.

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