With the 6110A's simple keyboard emulation, over-the-counter or back
room remittance scanning can now be done with no changes to the host
computer hardware or software.
6110A OCR Slot Reader
6110A OCR Slot Reader is among the most versatile data entry tools
available. As a low-cost alternative to keyboard data entry, this
character reader helps avoid payment processing delays, data entry
errors, and repetitive stress injuries. This all-in-one unit has the
ability to quickly scan characters and bar codes. The 6110A Slot Reader
can accommodate longer scan lines. This tabletop integrated slot version
for OCR is equipped with an adjustable read head.
Processing is done in the USB driver inside the PC, allowing it to
appear as keyboard data, sending keystrokes along with hand-typed data.
The readers can be programmed to emulate the operator keystrokes
necessary to flow data into any application. |
Fonts: OCR-A,
OCR-B, E13-B, Arial, Times New Roman, Courier, handprint, and U.S.
Up to 300
characters per second with over 99.99995% accuracy on ANSI Y-Grade
Interface via USB
Linear barcodes:
Interleaved 2 of 5, Code39, Code128, Codabar, UPC A, UPC E, EAN13,
Preprocessing: smoothing, thickening, thinning, thresholding,
character size and length limits
Password Protected
Startup with user
specified settings
Debug screen for
configuration tuning
configuration file editor
Image Archiving - save image to file
Validation and formatting processing
Keyboard emulation output or output to databases via script languages
Auto-discrimination between multiple document definitions
Special processing for travel documents: passports, Visas, ID cards
Fully programmable through on-screen software for: preamble, post
amble, character output codes, inter-character delay, inter-message
delay, input field, validation, check digit verification, data
suppression, character insertion, field move, character translation,
zone definitions and more
Programmable audio/visual confirmation of read
Customer supplied sound files for audio prompt
Decode image files on disk
Bring to front keystroke target window
Calculate eight different kinds of check digits
Read image upside down or right side up
Detect spaces between characters
Multiple Line decoding