- CodaBar
Bar Codes
- Codabar is used for
ID cards, by blood banks and some package
delivery carriers. This set of TrueType and Type
1 fonts lets you create Codabar bar codes from
within any application and print to any printer.
Codabar bar codes are digits-only. All you have
to do is add the start and stop before before and
after your string, and then format it all in our
- A Codabar bar code is
on this FedEx shipping form

- Code
128 Bar Codes
- Creates the Code 128
bar codes used for labels, shipping forms, or
other needs. Code 128 bar codes are compact and
include a check digit for error correction. They
are your best choice when space is at a premium.
- Code 128 is part of
this UPS shipping form
- UPCTools creates the
bar codes used on items destined to be scanned at
the retail checkout line. Bar codes for food
packages, magazines and book covers, CDs, or for
package design can all be created with UPCTools
in minutes.
- Compatible with
Win98, Win95, WinNT, Win3.x, and the Macintosh
- Code
- Creates Code 39 (Code
3 of 9) bar code symbols, the most popular bar
code for inventory, tracking, and labeling
purposes. C39Tools makes creating ID cards,
labels, or forms as simple as changing fonts.
- The Code 39 character
set includes both letters and numbers. Symbols
can be printed in a wide variety of sizes. You
can also create the lower 128 ASCII characters.
- POSTools creates the
POSTNET bar codes used for ZIP codes on US mail,
including: 5-digit ZIP codes, ZIP+4 codes, and
11-digit Delivery Point Barcodes. We also supply
the FIM bars
- Compatible with
Win98, Win95, WinNT, Win3.x, and the Macintosh